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14 of this year's sassiest yearbook quotes

Winning graduation.

WE DON’T REALLY do yearbooks in Ireland, and it’s a crying shame.

These are some of the best senior quotes from the States going viral this year.

1. Kira, we can all relate

tumblr_n6o2qdEooY1qbpu7co1_1280 Source: doubleoh-seven

2. Billy Rae, the perfect inspiration

3. Same

tumblr_n808sqmdCc1rk5q04o1_500 Source: sailornnoon

4. Jireh knows how to get the ladies

5. Said in style

6. Pass the aloe vera around this high school

Bye! Source: chloe_niccole

7. We found him!

i3y6UxZ Source: Imgur

8. And him!

9. We still have none

10. Duuude

11. At least she’s honest

12. Always a solid method

13. More Harry Potter jokes, we say

tumblr_nooka4yqjK1tkj14no1_500 Source: Tumblr

14. And finally, these twins, who killed it

aObK6wo Source: Imgur

People are loving this woman’s killer feminist yearbook quote>

13 reasons Irish schools need to make more of their yearbooks>

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