DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about today and talking about tomorrow.
Guardians of the Galaxy (RTE 2, 9.25pm)
If the reality shows aren’t your bag, you won’t want to miss one of Marvel’s finest. Fall in love with Groot, and maybe even Chris Pratt, as he plays adventurer Peter Quill. Quill soon finds himself in the firing line of relentless bounty hunters after he steals a powerful orb.
Strictly Come Dancing (BBC 1, 6.40pm)
C’mon, everyone will be watching this. Why? To see how Katya and Seann get on, obviously. The drama.
The Ray D’Arcy Show (RTE 1, 9.55pm)
I wouldn’t normally condone this, but Samantha Markle is appearing tonight and that it will no doubt be something you just can’t avoid. Author Louise O’Neill and singer Jake Carter will also appear.
Or flick over for…
The X Factor (Virgin Media One, 8.35pm) Judges houses continues, Robbie is up picking his bands.
Black Hollywood, They Gotta Have Us (BBC 2, 9pm) A documentary hearing the stories of black entertainers who became pioneers in white Hollywood.
Red 2 (Channel 4, 9pm) Helen Mirren taking no shit, for the second time.