Dublin: 12 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

11 things you don't want to think about before bed

Things that make you go “nope”.

1.  This man trying to catch this spider

Is it on me? I feel like it’s on me.

Source: Cvcdn

Source: Imgur

2. The words ‘moist’, ‘secretion’ and ‘discharge’

These are among the most disgusting words in the English language.

3. This finger break

Just when you think he’s grand….

Source: Daniel Simmons

Source: Mrwgifs

4. Hundreds of jellyfish off the coast of Mayo

A couple of weeks back several hundred glow-in-the-dark jellyfish were spotted in Broadhaven Bay off the coast of Mayo.

Source: Ballyglass Lifeboat

Source: Imgur

5. False widow spiders in Ireland

According to arachnologist Myles Nolan told RTÉ Radio One’s Mooney Show that “there’s a massive population of both of these false widow spiders all over Dublin as this stage”.

Source: Garden of Ireland

He said they won’t be “leaping at people from webs” or anything like that, and that the bite is not likely to be worse than a wasp sting.

Oh, that’s okay then.

6. The clown under the bed in Poltergeist

Are you sure he’s not under your bed?..

Source: Imgur

7. This snake opening a door

This is Julius. She can open doors.

Source: Jenner

Source: Arwrath

8. This lot

What even is this? WHAT EVEN IS THIS?

Source: Imgur

Source: Weknowgifs

9. This ‘sea serpent’ that washed up in California

It’s 14 feet long. It can grow up to fifty feet long. Enjoy your next swim.

Source: Associated Press

62124-hobbit-nope-gif-z3lg Source: Wordpress

10. This coconut crab

Oh, I think I’ll just take out the BIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Source: Creepyanimals

Source: Arwrath

11. This…


Sleep well.

Read: The 12 stages of ‘going to bed early’>

More: 7 of the most annoying sleepers to share your bed with>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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