1. This man trying to catch this spider
Is it on me? I feel like it’s on me.
2. The words ‘moist’, ‘secretion’ and ‘discharge’
These are among the most disgusting words in the English language.
3. This finger break
Just when you think he’s grand….
4. Hundreds of jellyfish off the coast of Mayo
A couple of weeks back several hundred glow-in-the-dark jellyfish were spotted in Broadhaven Bay off the coast of Mayo.
5. False widow spiders in Ireland
According to arachnologist Myles Nolan told RTÉ Radio One’s Mooney Show that “there’s a massive population of both of these false widow spiders all over Dublin as this stage”.
He said they won’t be “leaping at people from webs” or anything like that, and that the bite is not likely to be worse than a wasp sting.
Oh, that’s okay then.
6. The clown under the bed in Poltergeist
Are you sure he’s not under your bed?..
7. This snake opening a door
This is Julius. She can open doors.
Source: Jenner
8. This lot
What even is this? WHAT EVEN IS THIS?
9. This ‘sea serpent’ that washed up in California
It’s 14 feet long. It can grow up to fifty feet long. Enjoy your next swim.
10. This coconut crab
Oh, I think I’ll just take out the BIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
11. This…
Sleep well.