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17 photos that will make any Irish school kid sick with 90s nostalgia

So many memories.


1. This for lunch

pringles-case_2358 Source: Alleewillis

2. Learning this

16102012135728 Source: English-test

3. When it was time to whip out these

large-chublet-crayons-bxd-96-s Source: Nitrosell

4. Smelling this

1.Plasticine Source: BlogSpot

5. Tara and Ben, aka the lads


6.  These sweets

FlyingSaucers Source: Typepad

7. Sketching this on your copy

e96c64f0f047d168e681b261682c1ad5 Source: Scott&Joellyn

8. These bad boys at PE


9. One of these on your wrist

Pink_Casio_Baby_G_Digital_Watch_from_Casio_hi_res Source: Truffleshuffle

10. The dust offa this

Chalkboard_eraser,_Waldorf_School,_East_Lexington_MA Source: Wikimedia

11. These chairs

pupils_chair_green_leg Source: Ease

12. These hairbands

hairbands Source: Rebeccastidson

13. The alien heads that were probably banned in your school

CRdJuQ7WIAACewC Source: Amazon

14. THESE rubbers

f8f4b7829cbfd828baa058e2f91f1e23 Source: Pinterest

15. This pencil case

alol Source: eBay

16. Having one of these made you the most popular kid of the day

34a6a537d6fd8e1d906a44e29147571a Source: Pinterest

17. And finally, wearing your mam’s towel on your head meant Christmas

DSC_1331 Source: BlogSpot

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