NOBODY LIKES WAITING for those all important primary school exam results.
Harmony Hill School school in Antrim is going viral for sending a lovely note with their students results letter. The results inside would determine which secondary school they would get into.
Instead of emphasising the importance of exam results, the letter urged students to think about what really matters.
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The note begins by asking the student to read it before looking at their results.
In this envelope is a score. It’s a score you’ve been waiting for but might not be the score you’ve been hoping for.
We will feel disappointed for you too, but we won’t feel disappointed in you.
Unfortunately, in life, things don’t always work out the way we want them to and it can take a little time to sort out the feelings and thoughts we can have when that happens.
The letter continues by saying that no score can take their hard work and great attitude.
In fact, we believe that your attitude and who you are as a person is much more important than any mark on a test.Grow up to be kind, caring, generous, loving adults who make a positive difference to this world by how you live your life.
The letter has been shared all over social media since it was posted by a parent, with principal Harry Greer telling the BBC that he was heartened by the reaction.
“We’ve been really surprised by all the attention. It was a simple, personal, but heartfelt letter for our P7 children, inspired by our vice principal, Hillary Johnston”.