DUBLIN IS UNDER siege by thousands of be-kilted Scottish fans ahead of tonight’s Euro qualifier at the Aviva.
There are already reports that plenty of them were out whetting their whistles last night.
And we’re sure tonight will be no different (and the puke count on Harcourt Street on Sunday morning will be in the high twenties).
If you’ve got your heart set on scoring with a bonnie lad or lass later, here’s some slang that might help your cause…
1. I want to have your weans
Weans = children
We think they’ll get your drift.
2. Braw
Meaning ‘beautiful’.
Use this to let someone know you think they’re a ride.
3. Winch
Winching = shifting (or sometimes just dating)
Either way, they’ll probably know what you’re after if you say you’re looking for a winch.
4. Gie’n it laldy
Meaning: To really give something your all.
Suggested usage: “You were really gie’n it laldy on the dancefloor there”
Hidden meaning: “Want to gie it laldy with me in the back of the taxi?”
5. Bosie
Bosie = cuddle
You cute article you! Going for a bosie might well lead to a bit of winching.
6. Want tay hit the scratcher?
Scratcher is the universal (well, in Ireland and Scotland anyway) word for bed.
God speed!