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Scottish users left frustrated by iPhone's Siri

It appears Apple’s newest software is not all too familiar with the distinct Glaswegian tones…

Image: Screengrab via YouTube.

APPLE’S SIRI PERSONAL assistant is already causing quite a stir with users of the newest feature on the iPhone 4s trying all manner of tricks to get funny or rude answers from the voice recognition software.

But that’s assuming first of all that they are understood, in some cases poor old Siri can’t even make out what users are saying and it seems it is a particular problem for users in Scotland.

The Times reports that Apple stores in Glasgow and Edinburgh are admitting that some Scots users of the newly-released phone are having a few wee problems with Siri.

The company of course denies accusations of “linguistic imperialism” in that users are being forced to modulate their tones to suit those of the most powerful and dominant in the world as claimed by language specialist James Robertson.

But it does admit that “since every language has its own accents and dialects, the accuracy rate will be higher for native speakers.”

And that’s unfortunate for users like this Glaswegian fella:

Read: Siri answers life’s important questions >

About the author:

Hugh O'Connell

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