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Bruce Willis' daughter Scout walks around New York in the nip... It's The Dredge

Filth. So much celebrity filth.

EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt – from the top to the very bottom.

Scout Willis has a point to make.

She’s taken to Twitter to protest Instagram’s nipple aversion, by posting pictures of herself walking abound New York topless.

Willis is the daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. She’s had several of her photos removed from Instagram for violating the nudity part of their Community Guidelines. (Jezebel)

One of the One Direction dads has spoken out about the ‘drug’ video which came to light yesterday.

The video showed saw Louis and Zayn appearing to smoke a joint in Peru while discussing marijuana use. (DailyEdge.ie)

zaynsmoking-630x411 Source: Mail Online screengrab

Now Louis’ estranged dad has spoken out about his fears for his son (who he hasn’t seen in several years). (3am)

Possession ofmarijuana is not illegal in Peru if it’s for immediate and personal use, so it’s very likely that the pair did nothing wrong if they were smoking a joint. (MTV)

More details about the the Wozilroy breakup have emerged, and they’re grim.

Apparently Rory McIlroy dumped Caroline Wozniacki on the phone, hours after telling her he loved her. (Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail “Woznicaki had already tried on her wedding dress”.

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And the rest of the day’s celeb dirt…

  • Kim and Kanye went to the cinema twice in the midlands yesterday (DailyEdge.ie
  • As if Wozilroy wasn’t bad enough, Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell have split (Jezebel)
  • Gene Simmons from Kiss bulled Cam from Modern Family‘s mam on a plane. What? (Perez Hilton)
  • The BBC thought Benedict Cumberbatch wasn’t sexy enough to play Sherlock. Can we have some head examiners over to the BBC please? (Digital Spy)

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Yesterday’s Dredge: Kim and Kanye left a FOUR FIGURE tip for a pint of Guinness> 

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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