Dublin: 9 °C Saturday 1 March, 2025

Company withdraws greeting card poking fun at people on benefits

Scribblers Cards has done some hasty backtracking.

A UK GREETING card company has apologised after a customer spotted this for sale in one of their stores:

Scribbler Cards describes itself as a:

Humour-loving team with the most risque greetings cards in the UK. Lewd, rude and sometimes crude. But always funny.

However, the company appears to have had a swift rethink about its Friends With Benefits/Friends On Benefits card, stating on Twitter that the item will no longer be on sale and is being withdrawn from stores. Scribblers has also apologised for any offence caused.

Last month Clinton Cards apologised after a card featured on its website gave ’10 Reasons Why Santa Claus Must Live on a Council Estate’

clinton Source: via BBC

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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