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7 times this century sexism in Irish politics made us cringe

“Rein her in there”.


The year: 2015.

The problem:

The former Fine Gael advisor was talking about gender quotas in politics. Today FM journalist Chambers also notes though that Flannery did say that he believes the quota system is “absolutely right”. But it’s making life hard for the men, you see.

It got us thinking about all of these howlers…

1. When these comments were made at a Mayo County Council meeting last month

(as reported by The Mayo News)

The new Cathoirleach’s wife was promised a lot of things. Her husband suggested a transatlantic trip while others suggested jewellery. But not every councillor thought it was going to be a fun-filled year for the Cathaoirleach’s wife. Describing Mae Holmes as ‘a great woman’, Cllr Blackie Gavin told the Cathaoirleach, “I know Mae will have all the shirts ready for you.”

Good woman Mae.

2. Lapgate. All of lapgate

Fine Gael TD Tom Barry pulled fellow Fine Gaeler Aine Collins onto his knee during a late night Dáil sitting in July 2013. There was uproar.


3. When a Limerick councillor said “women are only in politics to make tea”

Sinn Féin councillor Lisa Marie Sheehy said she had heard a colleague make the remark “as a joke”, but she didn’t find it funny. She also told the Limerick Leader that her clothing had been commented by another councillor and comments along the lines of “how can you concentrate when people are dressed like that” were made.

She was wearing shorts and black tights.

tights Source: @LisaMarieSheehy

4. When then-Taoiseach Brian Cowen suggested that Joan Burton needed to be “reined in”

Cowen was forced to apologise after he asked Labour leader Eamon Gilmore to “try to rein her in now and again”.

Back in your box Joan, good girl.

5. When Lucinda Creighton set up a ‘female only’ briefing

In January Creighton said there was “nothing Machiavellian” about the off-the-record breakfast meeting which excluded male journalists.

Eyebrows were raised.

23/5/2015. Carlow Kilkenny By Elections Campaigns Source: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall Ireland

6. When David Norris said Regina Doherty was “speaking out of her fanny”

Norris’ outburst came in the run up to the Seanad abolition regerendum. He withdew the comments but didn’t apologise.

Source: Hugh O'Connell/YouTube

7. This

Those ‘imagine if Magic Mike was about women’ arguments are unnecessary, here’s why

8 times celebrities beautifully took down reporters asking stupid questions

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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