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This woman's Sexy Gandalf costume is serious Halloween goals

Her outfit is the talk of Tumblr.

WE’VE SEEN SOME dire sexy Halloween costumes that have absolutely no business being sexy, but this one takes the biscuit.

An 18-year-old high school student from Melbourne, Tjitske Van Vark, made possibly the greatest inappropriately sexy costume for her school’s Muck Up Day.

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She posted a photo of her sexy Gandalf costume to Tumblr, and it blew the place up.

Van Vark told Buzzfeed that within three days of posting the image her follower count tripled.

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It soon spread across the site when it appeared on the Tumblr Radar, and was even featured on the front page.

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She said it didn’t go down quite as well in her school, but is thankful for “the general thirst” it created online.

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So far, the photo has over 62,000 notes since it was posted three days ago.

Not bad. Now, who’s a sexy wizard?

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