Dublin: 7 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

UPDATE: Shakira is NOT a mammy!

Her hips DO lie!

Look at them, all smug. (@3GerardPique/Twitter)

SO SHAKIRA AND her fella Gerard Piqué have tricked us all… the PUPS.

At least, we think they’ve tricked us.

Piqué tweeted in the early hours of this morning that Shakira had given birth to the couple’s first child, a baby boy:

“Awwww”, we all thought. “What a fantastically beautiful human that pair must have produced”. And then we set about eating the crap Roses left at the bottom of the tin (strawberry ones) and getting our paws stuck in the Pringles tube, trying to fish out the last dregs.

But wait, what’s that? Another tweet from Piqué?


You see, it’s Spain’s equivalent of April Fools Day today, so it looks like he was messing the whole time. So, we think that means she didn’t have the baby then. We think.

Earlier: Piqué fooled us all!

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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