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British newspaper accidentally publishes Sherlock fanfic as a missed connection

This prankster is keeping the joke going brilliantly as well, as the paper hasn’t realised.

THE MISSED CONNECTIONS column of the British Metro is called Rush-Hour Crush and it aims to romantically bring together busy commuters who have spotted each other out and about.

Somehow though, we feel that this particular match won’t work out.

Last week, this letter was spotted in the paper, from a character named Sandy-Haired Bloke Who Couldn’t Stop Staring

Could it be? It’s pretty subtle, but the signs were there that something was a little Sherlock-y about this romance.

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Then it was confirmed when Metro published this response from Amazing Cheekbones

Sandy-haired Guy Who Couldn’t Stop Staring, you seem surprisingly not as dull as everyone else. Meet me at Bart’s Hospital – I take my coffee black, with two sugars.

There it is! St. Bart’s hospital is where Sherlock and Watson meet in the show’s first episode – so now we know that Amazing Cheekbones is the famous detective himself, and some prankster is writing these letters in.

How long can this go on? Well, as long as the person who runs the Rush-Hour Crush section of the paper doesn’t catch on – or starts re-watching old episodes of Sherlock.

We’ll keep an eye on it.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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