Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 26 February, 2025

Shopping List Written on a Five Euro Note of the Day

Condoms? Check.

BANANAS? CHECK. SIX sausages? Check. Box of condoms? Check.

One organised person wrote this shopping list on a five euro note – but then handed it in to a pub in Kilkenny. Oops. Reader Aidan G was given the note as change in the early hours of this morning and sent it in to us (the photo, not the fiver – we’re guessing he’s going to keep that).

Ah well. At least it looks like they had a pretty good Saturday before they spent the money.

(Photo: Aidan G)

Photo: Bet Their Mammies Are Proud Pic of the Day >

Photo: Scaffolding in Kerry Pic of the Day >

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