They have healing properties post-festival. They go hand-in-hand with your shower ‘n’ shaving routine. A shower is your own personal vocal booth. Lay down them bars, honey!
However, it goes without saying that standing under a jet of water for any period of time is a bit wasteful, and we’re regularly encouraged to curb our water consumption (especially during times of drought like we experienced this year.)
An average shower uses 10 litres of water a minute. As a result, Irish Water are currently asking people to time their showers, and get in and out in four minutes.
While it’s obviously for the greater good, that seems ambitious for someone who likes a good lather; even more so if that lather involves exfoliating and shaving.
Now, for sure, that doesn’t mean spending hours upon hours in the shower … But four minutes? For shampooing, conditioning and general washing alone? It might be feasible if you’re a member of the ‘no poo’ movement (Google it, I’m not being a freak) or if it’s literally just a body shower, but it seems like a tall order otherwise.
How long would it take you, so? Personally, I could do it 10 minutes, 15 if I’m being lazy about it. That’s five minutes for everything. Not too bad, right?
Well, it sure is better than the anonymous Twitter user who wrote to me to let me know their male housemate regularly makes them late for work because they spend so long in their morning shower – upwards of 40 minutes.
So, dear readers – how long do you spend in the shower? (Shampooing, conditioning and general washing)