TODAY WE HEARD the news that 48% of Britons surveyed said that they would rather sacrifice seeing loved ones than giving up the internet. The same survey also found that an internet connection appeared higher on a list of needs than a shower.
Here are some signs you might rely on your Wifi a bit too much.
1. You’re not proud of the things you’d do to get a connection
2. It’s all you really care about
3. Your idea of true torture is being stuck on a slow internet connection
4. You sometimes forget to eat or leave time to shower when you get caught up reading about unsolved murders on Wikipedia
5. You don’t go to sleep at night until at least three hours after you get into bed
What if someone says something funny on Twitter and you don’t get to see it until the morning?
This is the dream.
6. You forget everyone’s second names you’re not connected with on social media
Or if they have a pseudonym you just refer to them as that by mistake.
7. You immediately Google ANY little nagging question you have
IMDB is your first port of call straight after a film. What was that actor in again?
8. You always bring up something funny you saw on the internet IRL
But it always falls flat.
9. You have recognised someone you saw on the street from Twitter or Instagram
10. Eating and drinking in a restaurant is not an option before snapping it first
11. You genuinely wouldn’t have a clue what to do while waiting on someone without messing on your phone
12. Your main concern throughout the day is battery life
And the hardest bit of cardio you do all day is the dash to the power socket when you spot that faithful alert.
13. You can’t shake the sneaky suspicion that everyone has a better life than you
Keep on refreshing Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr, that will make you feel better.
14. And you ALWAYS have to pretend you know less about someone than you actually do