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13 signs that Christmas has begun in Ireland

Christmas Day is exactly four weeks away.

FOUR WEEKS FROM now, you’ll have had your Christmas dinner, probably some turkey sandwiches, and God knows how many roses.

That’s right, it’s that soon.  But does that mean that Christmas has officially begun?

Let’s check the list.

Larry Gogan has played a Christmas song on the radio

larry Source: Twitter/2fm

You’ve had your first mince pie

Home made mince pies Source: nicksarebi

The Christmas lights are up in your town or village

Xmas House 01 Source: jaqian

Your mam has fed several bottles of whiskey into the Christmas cake

recipe-image-legacy-id--1125455_11 Source: BBC Good Food

The decorations are down from the attic

Opening the box Source: nightthree

The Christmas jumpers have already sold out of Penneys

jumper-8 Source: Twitter/imjennielittle

There is an open tin of roses and/or Quality Street in the office

A Roses by any other name Source: tompagenet

You’ve something on every weekend between now and January

December 21st.... Source: ClawzCTR

You’ve started playing ‘count the Christmas trees’ with the kids in the car

Tree in the window Source: Valerie Everett

You’ve already made arrangements to meet  your emigrant friends

Web ADM Christmas Karaoke Party - 2007 Source: Ben30

Your mother has already asked you what you want for Christmas several times


You’ve bought a Christmas present or felt guilty about not having bought a Christmas present

Christmas presents Source: Hades2k

Someone in your family has already suggested you ‘do a Kris Kindle this year’

kris Source: Shutterstock

How did you get on? Has Christmas begun for you or are you still in full on humbug mode?

The worst Christmas jumper of 2013 has been found>

There’s now a ‘White Lady of the Northside’ Christmas decoration>

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