1. You’ve been known to do the big shop in Marks & Spencer. (And we’re not talking about the dine-in deals.)
2. Indeed you’ve also purchased something from Fallon & Byrne in the last month. Very fancy.
3. Your house has its own name. Like ‘Avalon’ or something.
4. Your family had a holiday home before everyone was peer-pressured into buying them during the Celtic Tiger. And what’s more? You still have it. Sure aren’t you and the girls going there for a week later this summer?
5. You went on a skiing holiday as a child and have fond memories of drinking hot chocolate in a snow-covered chalet.
6. And you’ve played tennis on an actual tennis court.
7. You insist on pronouncing scone as “scon”.
8. And you’ve been known to call squash “cordial”. (FYI, Mi-Wadi is not cordial.)
9. You were involved in schools rugby as a child and still maintain an allegiance to your secondary school.
10. The thought of not having an en suite sends shivers up your spine.
11. You own a pair of Dubes and know how to tie them correctly.
12. You feel *perfectly* comfortable and at ease in Brown Thomas and not at all intimidated.
13. You grew up uttering phrases like “I think Dad is in the conservatory”.
14. Viennetta wasn’t deemed “fancy ice-cream” in your house. You were more Häagen-Daz people.
15. You call your Mam “Mom”.
16. You’re just waiting to get your filthy mitts on a car with a 162 reg.
17. You have considered taking a trip to France just to buy cheap wine to bring back. “Sure, you’re practically making money.”
18. Your Instagram contains one, if not both, of the following: (a) a photo of a macaroon (b) a photo of you having afternoon tea with the girls
19. You have spent Christmas abroad on at least one occasion.
20. You own a Le Creuset casserole dish.