IT DOESN’T TAKE a lot to make us happy, but this lot will do the trick.
1. Begrudging
A little chat about how Siobhan down the road has gotten completely above her station is akin to six months professional therapy in terms of destressing.
2. Catching the offo at 9.59pm
Sweet, sweet victory.
3. Getting a ‘phantom bus’
This is the utter joy when a bus arrives even though it’s not due for 20 minutes on the digital timetable.
4. Speaking of buses, sitting upstairs in a packed bus while people keep walking by you to get to the back
Don’t sit beside me, don’t sit beside me, YES. You’d be kind of offended if you weren’t so delighted.
Or even better yet, this:
5. Getting a discount in Penneys
It’s almost like they’re paying YOU to take it.
6. A nice new road
Whether it’s covering over a few potholes, or the opening of the Newlands cross flyover, you’ll jump out of bed to get a proper go on it before work.
7. When a politician does something silly
Look at them there. Look at the state of them. The big eejit.
8. When it doesn’t rain on the washing
Bonus points if it starts to bucket down just as you finish taking them in.
9. Changing your NCT disc after finally passing
You’re sitting there just knowing it’s not gonna pass, but it DOES. Did they even check it at all?
You’ll be so happy you’ll want to eat the old one.
10. Finding an ATM that gives €10 notes
So rare, so coveted.
11. Being asked for your Dunnes card, boots card without having to bring it up
… and when you have enough to buy something with the points. Jackpot.
12. Nailing the perfect compliment deflection
The perfect one is self-deprecating but doesn’t deny the compliment you are secretly basking in.
13. The waiter asks if everything is OK just AFTER you swallow
Grand, thanks.
14. When you go shopping just in time for Tesco and Marks and Spencer discounts
You feel like you’ve cheated the system, every time.
15. When someone at the pub buys crisps and opens them up for the table
Hell. Yes.