THE SIMPSONS HAS given us a lot of things – inescapable catch-phrases, a vague understanding of what nuclear power is, among other things.
But what about all of it’s culinary delights? Surely you’ve watched Homer The Smithers and thought, “yeah, I’d love some cornflakes on fire now right about now.”
No? Weird, because Canadian Tristin Hopper definitely has – otherwise, why would he host the most ridiculous Simpsons-themed dinner party?
Delicacies included irregular Oreos (á la Moe Syzlak), Marge’s ‘happy crackers’, Red Tick Beer and nachos – Flanders style! (Cucumber with cottage cheese, FYI).
Unfortunately, a lot of Hopper’s guests appear to have filled up on bread at proceedings, leaving him faces with the task of eating a massive Rice Krispie square solo.
Some people would consider this the opposite of a problem, to be honest.
As for whether Hopper served salad at the party?
You don’t win friends with salad.”
(He’s not wrong).
For next year’s effort, let us suggest the follow additions: crab juice, solidified hot chocolate, the Merciless Peppers of Quetzlzacatenango and Million Dollar Birthday Fries.