BACK IN THE GOOD old days of finding toys in cereal boxes, an obsession began to grow amongst Irish families. That obsession? Collecting these Simpsons fridge magnets.
The magnets came free in boxes of Kellogg’s cereal in the early 2000s – getting all five was every Irish child’s goal in life. But it wasn’t easy.
You ate through boxes and boxes of cereal in the hopes of finding a different one
“C’MON HOMER! …Feck sake. Another Lisa.”
It was a common goal for the whole family to strive towards
All of you, manically eating cereal to beat the band.
Some people had a couple of Marges and no Bart, or some other strange configuration
Maggie was a rare beast
Lucky to get a Maggie, you were.
A full set was a point of extreme pride
Even now, those who didn’t collect them all harbour regrets
And most fridges in Ireland still carry a few of them, faded and bashed as they may be
The magnets will live on for future generations to see and appreciate. It’s a beautiful thing.