Dublin: 15 °C Thursday 16 May, 2024

# Singing Priest

All time
'Singing’ priest Tony Walsh accused of sexually abusing a boy in Dublin in the 1980s
'Singing priest' will get maximum sentence of two years for raping a boy with a crucifix
'Singing priest' convicted of sexually abusing a boy after claiming he didn't know him
Priest and serial abuser Tony Walsh sentenced to one year for sexual assault of child in the 1970s
These are the videos Irish people couldn't stop watching this year
'Singing priest' Father Ray Kelly signs record deal with Universal
Major record labels are 'battling to sign' the singing priest
Singing Irish priest performs on the Late Late, gets confused with Father Ted
Enjoy the singing priest's epic Hallelujah? Here are his other at-the-altar moments...
Irish priest amazes wedding couple with epic personal version of Hallelujah