WHEN YOU’RE SICK and tired of people asking you how you go about spreading slurry on your farm, there’s only one solution:
Make a Snapchat story for them.
Young Waterford farmer Ross Lonergan found himself in that position this week, so he made a gas and comprehensive story and his sister shared it on Facebook:
It’s already been viewed nearly 40,000 times and it’s full of classic farm one-liners.
Ross explained why he did it in the first place at the start:
“A lot of people have been asking me how I do spread the slurry”
And the whole thing is chock full of highlights. Like when he’s lovingly talking about his machinery:
“It’s a fine yoke, you can spread a lot of slurry with that”
And gave us all an insight into the lingo:
“I like the motto: Don’t be daft, cover your shaft”
And the problems he faces all the time:
“You’ll close her down then… you don’t want it spillin’ on the road… ah sure people would be givin’ out and I couldn’t be listenin’ to them”
When the noise has eventually stopped, the real party can begin:
“Leaving the field now and thank god the tunes are back on”
More hilarious than your average slurry lesson, in fairness.
hat tip Joe.ie