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Are you a slut? Maybe this useful list can help you decide

Do you like Hallowe’en? Or have any tattoos?

Happy Hallowe'en!! Source: Griangraf

IF YOU REALLY enjoy Halloween or have male friends, OR BOTH, you might be in trouble.

This list of “telltale signs that a woman is a slut” lays it all bare:


will2 Source: @asiachloebrown

The list (which we’re hoping is sad little joke) was posted in a closed Facebook group with over 16 thousand members called Relationship Talk 2.0: The One and Only. The poster appears to be one of the group’s admins.

It was screengrabbed and posted on Twitter where the retweets and comments are coming in thick and fast.

So ladies, consider this before you have a drink, are constantly in the club, or have somehow found yourself without a father. You might be a slut. You have been warned.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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