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Woman traumatised after finding a python in her loo

She now can’t use the toilet in her own home. Naturally.

File photo. Still terrifying.
File photo. Still terrifying.

ANYONE WITH A debilitating fear of snakes, look away now.

Noraslinda Asat of Singapore was using the facilities in her own home when she felt a sharp pain.

She looked down to see an 1.8m long python just hanging out in the toilet bowl, which had bitten her on the thigh as she sat down.

According to Asia One Singapore, her husband, who also witnessed the snake, said it was as “thick as one of his forearms”. Shudder.

Noraslinda immediately tried to grab the snake, but its slippery body kept evading her grip.

It gets worse: Animal control officers were called in to catch the snake, but couldn’t find it. They reckon it slithered back down the toilet bowl.

Following the sighting, the couple have been pouring hot water and bleach down the toilet bowl and securing it with bricks.

Still, Mrs Noraslinda has a phobia of using the toilet in her own home, preferring to go to petrol stations, coffee shops and other public areas to relieve herself:

I still feel very scared, because the snake has not been caught.

We will never forget to check a toilet for snakes again. Ever.

via Arbroath

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