Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

14 very important tips for dealing with the snow

It’s getting weird out there. Here’s your guide to some essential coping mechanisms.

IT’S SNOWING IN lots of places around Ireland today!

That’s pretty exciting, even if it does lead to a few delays at the airport. But snow can be difficult to deal with. It can be bewildering. It can leave you feeling lost, alone, and cold.

So here’s our essential guide to coping with the snow.

Don’t have snow? Never fear. You can always make your own!

1. Get excited!


On the inside, we all make this face when we first see snow.

2. When walking, adopt a special technique

3. Make your mark

For example, with a Sneachtapus:

Built by Paul Bloof and Sarah Murphy in Dublin 6

Or a model of Walter White from Breaking Bad:

By @TweetingBogart

Or a full-size replica of the Taj Mahal:


4. Sledging is fun

Flickr/Rob Lee

5. And if you don’t own a sledge, steal one

6. But be careful out there! The roads are treacherous


7. Which is why they had to invent this sign

Flickr/Mini D

8. Also, you should probably steer clear of anywhere with this weather

Flickr/Gwydion M. Williams

9. And avoid this penguin

10. Keep your roof clear of snow at all times


11. When making a path for your fellow human beings, take the most direct route possible


12. Or decide that paths are for suckers

13. Finally, avoid becoming a slow-mo replay


14. And whatever you do…




Flickr/O hai :3

More: The snowmen of 2013>

SNOW DAY: Canal icicles, dogs and daffodils>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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