Dublin: 2 °C Wednesday 12 March, 2025

So, is there really snow on the way? How can we prepare?

We’ve bought the tyre chains and the show grips. We’ve stocked up on bottled water. WHERE IS OUR SNOW?

THERE HAS BEEN much chat about the possibility of snow this weekend or early next week, but how much do we really know about this promise/threat?

Let’s examine the evidence, and more importantly, get prepared.

The evidence

Met Eireann (aka the bastians of weather) are being a bit non-committal about the whole thing, throwing around phrases like “possibly giving a few snow flurries on mountains” and “beyond Tuesday the forecast is very uncertain”.

That’s Monday’s precipitation. Some or all of that could be snow. Let’s call a spade a spade though. It’s more likely to be rain. (Met.ie)

One things for certain though, it’s going to be cold, hitting minus four in places tonight, with the cold snap to continue well into next week.

Let’s just assume though that the snowpocalypse is coming. Here’s a few tips on how to cope…

Don’t snot yourself

Ow, my noggin (ChinaFotoPress)

Nobody wants to be 2013′s ‘man that slipped on the ice’ so take it easy, wear sensible shoes, and heed this advice:


Mind the roads

AA Roadwatch advises motorists to slow down, keep a safe distance from  other vehicles and use dipped headlights in misty and murky conditions.

Black ice will be worse under trees, on exposed bends and on higher ground.

Don't be this person:


Here are some more handy tips from AA Roadwatch:

  • Use a cigarette lighter to warm a key for a frozen lock. Don't breathe on the lock, as the moisture will condense and freeze.
  • Make sure that wipers are switched off in the park position when leaving the car, when there's risk of freezing. If you don't and the blades freeze to the screen, you could damage the blades or wiper motor when you turn the ignition on.
  • Windscreen washer fluid should be topped up and treated with a proprietary additive to reduce the chance of freezing in frosty weather. Don't use ordinary engine antifreeze as it will damage paintwork.
  • Don’t brake fast under any circumstances – if it’s too late and you have already braked, release them immediately, then reapply, quicker but gently.

Wrap up warm

We've got just the outfit for you...

Would you not put on a geansaí? (Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire)

Make sure your pets are well prepared too:


Or you could just stay in

LISTEN: The Gathering's theme song* has arrived>

Happy Friday! Now look at these old men singing The Lion King>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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