MOST OF US love social media – that’s why we check in on it all the time, even when we know we’ll probably be disappointed.
As with any great love, though, there are little annoyances that pop up from time to time that make you question what you’re doing. On social media, these things are liable to set all of us off:
1. A ridiculously vague Facebook status
Those Facebook statuses that are just begging for a follow up question or some sort of interaction. No more, please.
2. Two people using a group chat to discuss something that’s just between them
It could easily be moved to their own thread, but no. What started out last week as a group discussion on a night out has descended into numerous back-and-forth anecdotes between two of your more outgoing friends.
Thread killers.
3. Using about 11 hashtags in a tweet
You are no longer speaking English.
4. Shamelessly self-promoting with every update
5. Dramatic posts claiming you are quitting the very medium you are posting on
If you’re going to quit, fine, do it. No need for the histrionics.
6. Checking in when you get to work
We all know where you work and how annoying it is. This status is helping neither of us.
7. Tagging every single person you have ever met in a status or photo that is unrelated to them
How do we react? A non-commital like seems like the best option.
8. Making plans with somebody in public, on Twitter
Guys, no.
9. Changing your date of birth on Facebook to trick your friends
And also to make a “statement” about how nothing is real on the internet etc. etc.
10. Couples chatting away to each other under statuses on Facebook
This is the reason we have multiple forms of communications. We know you are Whatsapping each other at the exact same time as well.
It’s over, we’re done. Call the Guards in immediately.