1. The problem…
… the solution: Foot-opening doors
2. The problem…
… the solution: License plate holder with flattery for guard on front and suggested dialogue for you on back
3. The problem…
… the solution: App that uses your phone camera to display the view ahead while you type!
4. The problem…
… the solution: Click-to-open keyring
5. The problem…
… the solution:
NB: This is the only product in this list that isn’t real. It breaks our heart.
6. The problem…
… the solution: Ridged mat to stop your bottles rolling around!
7. The problem…
… the solution: Umbrella goggles!
8. The problem…
… the solution: Deckchair with eyeholes!
9. The problem…
… the solution: Spaghetti gauge with sizes for man, woman, child and ‘horse’
1o. The problem…
… the solution: Self-extending plug sockets!
11. The problem…
… the solution: Disapproving look glasses!
You’re welcome, everyone.
What First World Problems would you like to see solutions to? Let us know in the comments…