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Playstation ad compares new console to woman with four breasts

The ad for the Playstation Vita appears in a French magazine, and has been faced with accusations of sexism.

AN AD IN a French magazine compares the new Playstation Vita handheld console to a woman with four breasts, because it features front and rear touch controls.


The ad invites gamers to:

Touch both sides. Twice the sensations.

An image of the advertisement was posted to Twitter and then picked up by Kotaku and Eurogamer.

Adrants reports that Sony UK has responded to the promo, saying that running the ad in the UK is not even being considered, thus distancing the company from the French arm of Sony Computer Entertainment.

What do you think of the ad? Is it sexist or guilty of stereotyping, as some Twitter users have complained, or is it fine by you?

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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