YOU’LL OFTEN SEE notes from neighbours awkwardly giving out about loud sex happening next door.
Usually they’re either angry or straight to the point.
But this guy got home to find the most apologetic letter about the pressing issue at hand
In a delightful twist on the standard apartment noise complaint letter, this person wrote:
Hello! I want to go ahead and apologize for the awkwardness of this note. However after a few weeks of being woken up at odd hours of the night and being tired at work the next day, I feel I must write.
And then the note got down to the crux of it:
It would be really great if you would please tighten the screws on your bed. Unfortunately when you bed is ‘in use’ it is very loud, from the bed creaking to the headboard beating against the wall.
The self-awareness was real, as they signed off:
Thank you so much and again this is awkward, but had to ask.
When they run into each other in the hall next week, the soundness of the letter will make it all the more bearable.