Dublin: 6 °C Wednesday 5 March, 2025

15 truly iconic sounds of Ireland

Staaand clear, luggage doors oppperhaatin’.

1. The Bus Eireann ”luggage doors operatin” man

Source: uzi1979/YouTube

The People’s Voiceover Artist.

2. Hit The Diff

Source: Marty MoneMUSIC/YouTube

The sweet sound of modern day Ireland.

3. Hit The Diff at 3am

Source: Patrick Boyle/YouTube

Vastly different to the daytime version of the song. Includes more roaring.

4. The Irish listening intro

Seared into your consciousness.

5. The dramatic Morning Ireland music

It would wake you up.

6. And, of course, the nightly Vincent Browne theme

Source: Donagh Davis/YouTube

Do do do do do doooo dooo dooooooo.

7. The foghorns blasting off the coast

shutterstock_309361388 Source: Shutterstock/Marat Dupri

8. The classic Sunday Game tune

Source: RTÉ Sport/YouTube

It’s always there, every summer.

9. The Angelus before the Six One

Source: Tomás Éire/YouTube



10. The rain lashing off the window while you’re inside

Irish Summer Source: Neil Tackaberry

11. The Ding Ding Ding of the Luas on the move

12. The din of the pub when it’s moderately quiet

Which has helpfully been made into a long YouTube clip for meditation purposes:

Source: eitiltdireach/YouTube

13. The calming sound of the tractor that won’t pull over

tractortailback Source: The Irish Times

14. And the sounds of the animals as you pass in the car

15. Finally, the unpredictable beep beep beep of the traffic lights

Source: Benocyde/YouTube


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About the author:

David Elkin

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