IF YOU WERE LUCKY enough, your parents forked out for Speech and Drama classes for you as a child.
Chances are you turned into that kid with a tendency towards the over-dramatic who was always the first to perform a party piece. The skills you learned at those classes stay with you for life, and can come very much in handy in adulthood.
Here are ten ways you know you were a Speech and Drama kid.
Your diction is impeccable
If anyone mishears you, there’s obviously something wrong with their ears.
You can easily recite the most tricky tongue-twisters
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers? That’s easy. Try “Big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled black blood”. Yeah.
You have a few monologues committed to memory
Just in case you ever need one.
You aren’t shy about speaking in front of a crowd
Why should you be? You’ve been doing it since the age of six.
You’re excellent at improvising
Which is why you’re well able to keep your cool in job interviews.
There are pictures of you in stupid costumes dotted around your parents’ home
That picture from that one play when you had to dress up as a girl will NEVER DIE.
You were in Grease/Annie/Oliver
And always primed to be understudy in case the lead actors took ill.
You wince whenever you hear someone speaking less than clearly
You want a “shcrape” of “butther” on your “toasht”? Whatever do you mean?
You have a ridiculous amount of medals and trophies
They’re still in a bag somewhere in your childhood bedroom. Just because.
You still harbour dreams of becoming a famous actor
But until then you’re content being the very best actor in your local dramatic society. What? You definitely are.