Dublin: 4 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

Spell it out, young people of Ireland

Less marching to the fife and drum, more grammar and spelling classes please for ‘Independant’ republican youth movement.

The kids are not right: Independent or independant?
The kids are not right: Independent or independant?
Image: Steve O'Connell

THEIR POSTERS HAVE been knocking around Dublin city since last November but they still can’t get their spelling right.

Fianna Eireann maintain they are a group open to teens from 13 to 17 years (over-18s get to join their ‘Senior’ section). They are interested in marching to a fife and drum band, visiting sites of historical interest, fundraising and political protests. Oh, and in commemorating “Ireland’s fallen heroes” and campaigning “for an end to British rule and a united Ireland”.

We can just about live with the jackboot, beret and aviators uniform. But does the future really belong to a “Republican Youth Movement” that can’t spell “independent” correctly? The sceptics are right: educational standards in this country have gone right down. Young people today, etc.

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