Dublin: 8 °C Saturday 22 March, 2025

This Quiz Will Determine If You're A Spice Bag Person Or A 3-In-1 Person

There is only one true way.

Source: Suzie McQuaid/Alexander Harrison via Instagram

1. How hungover are you right now?

2. On a Friday night, are you most likely to be...
Getting utterly leathered
Doing things you'll regret the next day

Sitting in your pyjamas with a takeaway
Experiencing FOMO
3. What is your level of durtiness?

4. Have you been known to get food all down your feckin' top?
5. Which 1990s movie character do you most relate to?
Mrs Doubtfire
Billy Zane As An Obnoxious Millionaire In Titanic

Stifler's Mom
Jar Jar Binks
6. Curry sauce is...
A delicious condiment
The nectar of the gods

Totally unnecessary
The scabies of the chipper world
8. Ketchup?
Yes please
Good god no
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You may dabble elsewhere, but the spicebag is where your loyalties truly lie. "Where my heart should be there is only a spicebag" - you.
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You scored out of !
You are a 3-IN-1 PERSON
Spice bags may come and go, but the 3-In-1 will always be there. It has stood the test of time. And that deserves loyalty.
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More: Here’s the best spice bag in Dublin>

More: 8 reasons why the 3 in 1 will always have a place in Irish hearts>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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