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This Spiderman performer absolutely snotted himself at a kid's birthday party

Nooooo, Spidey.

KIDS BIRTHDAY ENTERTAINMENT is getting pretty sophisticated these days.

And one Argentinian children’s entertainer is the talk of the internet – but not in a good way.

Here, the Spiderman gymnast is performing away, showing off some nifty moves in the process:

spidey1 Source: Liveleak

But then, an attempted backflip does not go to plan – at all:

spidey2 Source: Liveleak

At the end of the video, he comes to, which is a relief because it was quite the tumble.

The video was posted on Liveleak two days ago and it has already got 300,000 views.

Source: henderson/YouTube

Please, don’t try this at home :(

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About the author:

David Elkin

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