A FOUR-THOUSAND-year-old Egyptian statue has mysteriously started spinning inside a display case at a UK museum.
Staff are at a loss to explain how the statuette – found in a mummy’s tomb and dating from roughly 1800BC – rotates without anyone going near it.
The phenomenon was spotted after curators at the Manchester Museum repeatedly found the statue facing the wrong way, according to Egyptologist Campbell Price.
Staff then set up a time-lapse camera – which shows the relic spinning through 180 degrees over the course of a week.
YouTube/Luke Lovelock
One suggestion is that the vibrations from visitors’ footsteps are moving the statue on its base. But Price is not completely convinced:
What is very strange is that the statue has spun in a perfect circle – it hasn’t wobbled off in any particular direction.
Meanwhile, The Sun helpfully suggests:
Legend has it there is a curse of the pharaohs dooming anyone looting relics from within a pyramid tomb.