Dublin: 2 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

A woman was raging about splitting the bill on First Dates and she needs to cop on

Knock knock, it’s 2016.

FIRST DATES IS addictive. It’s sometimes lovely, often romantic, frequently hilarious and occasionally enraging.

Last night, one date got quite a few backs up. It seemed to be going ok, they were chatting nicely and getting along… until the bill came to Mary from Liverpool’s table.

It came to seventy pounds something, and there was no offer from her dateBrian to pay the whole thing.

This was her face:


“Well”, she tutted in a post-date interview. “I have never been on a date where I’ve actually had to pay for my own meal. Not to even offer and say ‘no, I’ll pay’ and then wait for me to say ‘no no, we’ll go halves with it’…”


Mary failed to hide her disdain as the otherwise seemingly enjoyable date with Brian came to an end, and when the pair came together to chat about seeing each other again, she informed him that he should have offered to pay the bill.

Oh Mary, honey, no.

There were some who felt that Brian should at least have offered…

But many had sailed smoothly into 2016…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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