WHITE HOUSE CHIEF Strategist Steve Bannon has left the Trump administration this evening – with an official statement saying that the decision was “mutually agreed“ and that today will be his last day.
The writing might have been on the wall for Bannon after he called white nationalists “losers” earlier this week (a massive faux pas, surely), but there’s no concrete evidence yet as to why the two parties have split.
1. But there have been jokes. A lot of them
2. For those who weren’t fans of Bannon’s alt-right rhetoric before he took up his job, there were quality one-liners ready to go
3. And songs to be sung
4. Finally, a confederate monument had fallen
5. This picture was plucked out to highlight the pure chaos of the White House staff losses of late
6. He has alt-left the building
7. There were predictions for the future
8. And a pattern emerging in the Trump firing stakes
9. Moochspans is now a unit of measurement thanks to the Mooch
10. Old statues > Bannon, it seems
11. But will Steve get his own on the White House lawn?
12. Here’s the updated staff list (more to be crossed off soon, you’d imagine)
13. “WHICH Nazi?”
14. All the jokes landing, mere hours after Bannon left
15. Welcome to the weekly reality show
16. Given the week that was, this was perhaps the most relevant joke of them all