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Steven Seagal performed for pro-Russian bikers in Crimea

Because of course.

RUSSIAN NEWS AGENCY RIA Novosti is reporting that American actor Steven Seagal performed for a pro-Russian motorcycle gang in Crimea on Saturday night.

Sure, what else would Steven Seagal be doing?

The actor, best known for films such as Above The Law and Under Siege, performed with his blues band at a concert organised by the Russian nationalist bikers, known as Night Wolves, in the Black Sea port city of Sevastopol.

2014 International Sevastopol bike show Source: Photas/Tass/Press Association Images

The stage was decorated with the flag of pro-Russian separatists. During the concert, Seagal was reportedly handed a t-shirt with President Vladimir Putin’s face printed on it, which he then held aloft in the air.

This isn’t the first time Seagal has come out in support of Putin.  In May, the actor described Putin as “one of the greatest world leaders” and defended his actions in Ukraine as “very reasonable”.

StevenSeagal3 Source: Videogum

In July, his support of Putin cost him a gig at an Estonian music festival, when the organisers deemed the actor’s pro-Russia stance “unacceptable”.

He has also called the Russian leader “a friend” and noted that he “would like to consider him a brother”.

Here they are hanging out. Notice Putin telling Seagal to turn around.

Source: Ivan Mk/YouTube

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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