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15 struggles you'll only understand if you've been an unpaid intern

The glamour of it all.

1. The true horror of the ‘need experience to get a job >>> can’t get experience without a job’ bind

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2. And realising that there is no option but to work for free (or for very little)

Throwing-Money-Away Source: cloudfront

3. Reading through lists of ridiculous qualifications required for unpaid internships

giphy Source: Giphy

‘Two years’ digital marketing experience plus a PhD in applied mathematics’. Are they joking? (They’re never joking.)

4. The indignity of hearing yourself being referred to as ‘the intern’ 

intern Source: giphy


5. If you’re even noticed at all, that is

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People will introduce themselves to you several times, and you’ll feel like a ghost of a person. Really great for the old self-esteem.

6. Getting shuffled around from desk to desk

C1UdR Source: Imgur

Until at last being set up at the clunkiest computer with the most battered chair, in the broom closet (probably).

7. Being pretty sure they’re making up jobs for you to do

law firm Source: Imgur

I’m an intern at a law firm. My job today is to hold the umbrella.

8. And feeling the boredom seep into your very bones

Peter-Gibbons-Office-Space-Stare-at-Desk Source: Gifrific

9. Then, on other days, barely having time to go to the loo because you’re so busy

emails Source: crazytownblog.com

10. Meanwhile, you’re also working another job so as to have actual money

sleepy Source: Wordpress

11. Learning to look to the other interns for emotional support

The Interns have arrived and are jumping for #joy because #summeratdelphi starts in 2 DAYS! 👊🏻☀️😎 PC:@pruettes

A photo posted by Delphian School (@delphianschool) on

“He said ‘Give this to John’. WHO IS JOHN?!” “I think he’s the one with the mustache, over there?”

12. And always, always discussing the possibility of getting ‘kept on’

Lena-Dunham-job-gif Source: MTV

You will learn about one employee who got kept on after an internship, and they will become your guiding light.

13. Trying to explain the whole situation to your extended family

i don't know Source: twentysomethings

“No, Uncle Jim, unfortunately you can’t walk out of DCU and into RTÉ these days. Yes, I know it’s ridiculous I’m not getting paid. Oh absolutely, ring Joe Duffy if you must.”

14. Repeating the phrase “It’s good for my CV!” until you’re not even sure what a CV is any more

aAuBT9tWRw6BWzd3g1kO_Confused Ryan Office Source: funnyordie

15. At the end of it all, you probably won’t get a job…

…But you might get some ‘goodbye intern’ cake? So really, it all balances out.

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