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This restaurant has created a 'Sunday roast burger' and frankly, it looks insane


HAVE YOU EVER looked at your roast dinner of a Sunday and thought, “God, I’d love to stuff that between two Yorkshire puds and call it a burger?” Well you’re not the only one.

Smokehouse - Timeline Photos | Facebook Source: Facebook/Smokehouse

The Smokehouse restaurant in Yorkshire has created one whopper of a burger, which features beef brisket, pulled chicken, gravy, mozzarella cheese and chips – all wedged between two massive Yorkshire puddings.

Smokehouse - Mobile Uploads | Facebook Source: Facebook/Smokehouse

The Daily Mail reports that the burger contains 5,000 calories, which, in case you don’t know, is twice the average man’s daily recommended intake.

Diners who manage to scoff the beast in 30 minutes or less will get the £25 burger for free, as well as a t-shirt and a spot on the Wall of Fame.

Smokehouse - Smokehouse's Photos | Facebook Source: Facebook/Smokehouse

Michael Hewitt, owner of the Smokehouse, said they wanted to combine American and British cuisine to make a Frankenstein’s monster of food:

You could call it a fusion of the common man’s cuisine. It’s almost like a Sunday roast in a burger.

The Smokehouse has made a name for itself through food challenges in the past – it also does a 40oz burger challenge and an ‘Animal Kingdom’ burger that features three beef burgers, three chicken breasts, heaps of pulled pork and beef brisket, and a pile of bacon.

Smokehouse - Mobile Uploads | Facebook Source: Facebook/Smokehouse

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