Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

Bringing Supermac's on the train is never an acceptable thing to do

And there are many reasons why.

THE SUPERMAC’S IN Heuston train station has been the saviour of many a hungry traveller down the years. This much we know.

But there’s just one slight problem.

People who bring the grub on to the train itself

There’s just something about the confines of the carriage that does nothing for the overall appeal of the Supermac’s.

There’s a few key reasons why it’s just not an acceptable thing:

Firstly, you’re subjecting someone to a fairly distinctive smell in a very small space

Which can smell good or bad, depending on the situation. Which leads to:

For those that are already hungry, this is quite painful

Your hunger is not being helped by the aroma of a snack box two feet from your face tempting you

So, it’s the people who bring the Supermac’s on board that are the problem

There must be considerations taken. Like not ordering taco fries

Or, if you must order taco fries, wolf them down as quickly as possible.

The weight of public opinion on this matter is conclusive

Supermac’s in the restaurant, a bag of crisps at a stretch on the train itself

Nobody should be above the law, even this guy at Christmas

The people have spoken on this important matter

Supermac’s = good. Supermac’s on the train = not good.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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