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A mystery jazz player was spotted serenading a swan by the Grand Canal last night

What a lovely scene.

swan Source: John Doran

WHAT ELSE WOULD you be doing on a fine November evening only playing a few tunes for a swan?

This mystery man was spotted on the banks of the Grand Canal near Ranelagh last night, very content with his audience of one.

Actor John Doran spotted the peaceful sight and told DailyEdge :

He was alone, it was pretty quiet on the canal and his tunes were lovely. He looked like a very proficient player.

He added:

Swan was in nay rush to leave.

The identity of the mystery man is unknown, but could it be….

Or are there two trumpet-playing swan-serenading mystery men in our midst?

Read: 16 of the most Ranelagh things that have ever happened>

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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