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12 problems only those with a sweet tooth will understand

Life isn’t so sweet when sugar is all you eat.

CUT DOWN ON sugar, they said. But it’s just too haaaard.

You’re addicted, and it’s a hard slog.

1. When you’re forced to use sweeteners and it’s just NOT THE SAME

You refer to it as poison despite spiking your bloodstream with syrupy coke on an hourly basis.

81ddce2e6e_funny-sugar-package-free-warning Source: Whylol

2. Your friend gets you a Diet instead of a ‘real’ Coke by mistake

And by friend, we mean former friend.

dietcoke Source: Joe Anderson

3. This is your favourite stop in a shopping centre but it’s constantly surrounded by kids

On the upside, you’re taller than the kids so can reach over them, win.

l Source: Yelp

4. You take tea in your sugar

Your tea is basically a cup of tea-soaked sugar and you’ll never feel like a proper adult until you cut it out.


You don’t really trust other people to make you a cup because they never give you enough. What is this, rations?

- Imgflip Source: oskay

5. You always feel guilty about breakfast

You KNOW you should be eating porridge or bran but let’s face it, you’d drown them in sugar anyway.

Bowl Full Of Sugar! Source: trekkyandy

OK, OK, well have some wheat toast.

nutella for breakfast Source: ninacoco

6. You always want dessert

Even if you’re stuffed, this is happening. If you can resist the words ‘molten chocolate brownie with cream’ then you seriously have no emotions.

chocolate cake Source: stu_spivack

7. Fruit is good for you but it’s not sugary enough

Fruit’s sugar content should be to your advantage, but it’s not. You’ll always go for apple drops over an actual apple.

Rosey-Apples-1BON-BOI-RAP Source: Keepitsweet

8. You’re silently ashamed when someone blasts a cake as being ‘too rich’

Way to complain about too much of a good thing.


Don’t worry cake, we got you.


9. Reduced-sugar confectionery literally features in your nightmares

The world needs to stop interfering with nature like this.

0005150055306_500X500 Source: Walmart

10. The Sugar Loaf is your favourite mountain

Why can’t we eat you?

Great Sugar Loaf Source: Robert Burrell Donkin

11. You can’t understand why anyone would want savoury snacks

Nachos? Chili cocolate, peanuts? Monsters.


12. You make it through a whole day without having any sweets, only to treat yourself with some sweets

You deserve it, well done you.


tumblr_lit4rnl3ES1qflpc1o1_500 Source: Popculturepirate

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