YOU MAY HAVE noticed the fashion media throwing around the word Swinter like it’s actually a thing. Have you too wondered what the hell it’s all about?
They just can’t stop
But what exactly IS swinter?
Grazia attempt to tell us that Swinter is simply, “summer, winter or somewhere in between” (ahem, Autumn), while Cosmo claim it’s the season that is technically summer, but displays elements of winter. So um, the Irish summer, then?
The Telegraph sum up the Swinter outfit as “a look that can withstand four seasons in one day”.
But WAIT, don’t we already have a word for this?
Swinter? Seriously?
Yes, seriously. The word seems to have originated from an episode of kids’ cartoon, Phinease and Ferb, in which they get a snow machine during the summer and create their own season.
Says it all, doesn’t it?
What’s the Swinter fashion, so?
The Telegraph recommend woolly sandals, as well as another rake of stuff you’d pretty much wear during the transition from cold to even colder.
Ponchos and blanket coats, long-sleeved, high-necked silk dresses, cut-away ankle boots, sleeveless trench dresses that are perfect for layering, knitted tank-tops, knitted coats, detachable linings, dresses with trousers and suede are all key players.
Grazia go with dresses over tshirts, leather jackets over maxi dresses, and knits over everything.
So, are YOU Swinter ready?