LOOK, WE KNOW taking off your makeup every night is the best possible thing you can do for your skin. But still. We can all agree that it is SUCH a chore.
1. Wanting to just go to sleep, but knowing you must scrub and toil first
You love putting it on, but when bedtime rolls around you swear you’re never wearing makeup again. The hassle!
2. Watching all your hard work turn muddy brown on a wipe/face cloth
You spent ages blending that eyeshadow and now look. Life is cruel and unfair.
3. Losing your perfect brows and lashes
In the few hours you were made up you managed to convince yourself that your eyelashes were naturally curly and your brows were full and elegantly shaped. Wrong.
4. Trying to shift waterproof mascara…
Products like to claim that they ‘even remove waterproof mascara’. Most of them are lying.
5. Getting it all over your pillow regardless of how well you’ve removed it…
How many pillowcases have you ruined? We’ve lost count.
6. …And waking up the next morning with crumbles of black halfway down your face
It still shows up even if you went a few days without putting it on again. Where is it hiding?
7. Lipstick stains that refuse to budge even the next morning
Nothing like rushing into work of a morning without realising you still have purple tinged lips from the berry lipstick you wore the day before.
8. Ploughing through face cloths like they’re going out of style
If you use cleansing balms or oils to take off your makeup, you will know that keeping your collection of face cloths clean and accounted for is hard work.
9. And the guilt every time you think “Maybe I won’t bother”
It’s this guilt that’s keeping your skin from falling apart completely. Don’t give in.