Dublin: 4 °C Saturday 8 February, 2025

Just 10 of the most accurate descriptions of the whole tall girl / playsuit situation

The struggle is real.

IF YOU’RE TALLER than 5 foot 9 and own a playsuit that you can actually wear in public, we’re going to need you to come forward and teach us your ways.

In fact, we’d pay to see you host a symposium on the subject.

But until then, us tall women will continue to seek solace in one another by sharing ribald anecdotes about the intensity of the camel toe we rocked in the last romper we tried on.

Oh, and if it’s not the camel toe sitch, it’s the hungry arse scenario.

And with that in mind, here are just a few of our favourite reactions to the whole tall girl/playsuit debacle.

1. The hoo-ha issue is a real issue.

2. The ass cheek issue is also a real issue.

3. Can the campaign slogan include the word ‘hoo-ha’?

4. Or maybe the phrase ‘raging camel toe’?

5. System’s flawed.

6. She’s asking for her ‘one friend’, so back off.

7. She’s talking surgical removal here.

8. It’s not ideal, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

9. Romper-related memories cast a long shadow.

10. The potential physical harm is no joke.

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About the author:

Niamh McClelland

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