1. You’re often taller than the guys
Your Debs date *may* have had to stand on a Golden Pages to get in your photo.
2. And you’ve had to put up with this sort of guff since day one
“I couldn’t go out with a girl who was taller than me.”
Don’t flatter yourself, mate. You were never in the running.
3. People are constantly at you about how you “can’t” wear heels
4. Finding jeans that don’t brush against your ankles is a neverending struggle
5. You’ve been asked countless times if you play basketball
“Yes, I play with LeBron James.”
6. Trying to find a knee-length skirt for school was damn near impossible
“I’m not rolling it up, I swear.”
7. You really did seem to shoot up overnight
8. So much so that some of your relative still remark on how tall you’ve gotten
“Are you getting taller?” “No, I don’t think people can still grow at 27.”
9. You’re frankly disgusted that you *haven’t* been approached by a model scout
“I could totally be America’s Next Top Model.”
10. You can never stretch out in the bath
11. And public transport is hard
Spare a thought for all the gals struggling with tight legroom.
12. Shaving your legs is beyond time-consuming
13. And sometimes you just cannot be arsed
14. Your feet hanging out over the edge of the bed is just a fact of life
15. You suffer from Floating Head Syndrome in group photos