EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
Taylor Swift’s model mafia have jumped to her defense on Twitter after singer with indie band Grizzly Bear, Edward Droste, tweeted an article describing her as a ‘mean girl’. Droste included the caption, “obsessed that people are catching on”.
The article claims that model Gigi Hadid was taking trash about her behind her back and that Taylor makes her model crew pick outfits from a dress code so she isn’t upstaged.
Model mates Gigi and Martha Hunt quickly jumped to her defense.
Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence are the BFFs you wish you had. The comedian and the actress have been hanging out together on a beach somewhere, leaving the rest of us insanely jealous at the level of #bants we’re most definitely missing.
They even went on a jet ski. A JET SKI. Be still, these beating hearts among us.
Then came the human pyramid. It’s too much. We have so many questions. How did they meet? Do they coordinate their red carpet falls? What do they talk about? Can we come?
With all of the celebrities condemning the killing of Cecil the Lion, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s may be the best yet. Arnie posted a simple but effective throwback photo.
The image refers to an American dentist who has been the subject of online hatred when it was revealed he paid £35,000 to kill famous lion Cecil.
All the rest of the day’s dirt…
Simon Cowell‘s son is his actual mini-me, jeans and all (Daily M)
Brian Dowling got married yesterday (The Mirror)
Chris Hemsworth talked about his massive prosthetic penis (Daily Mail)